
Your gift makes a difference in so many lives!

Your donation helps in our vital work of nurturing deep integrity and relational trust. The ripple effects of your gift will have an outsized impact on people’s lives — and the people their lives impact. Together we can sustain the courage — and community — we need to create a more loving, equitable, and healthy world.


Leave a lasting legacy

Legacy gifts empower you to continue your legacy of generosity, courage, and integrity — ensuring that the values that guide your life are passed forward to future generations. With legacy gifting, you’ll make it possible for the life-giving impacts of Courage & Renewal to continue to grow and thrive across the world for years to come.

As a writer, I’ve always wanted to “put wheels” on my ideas so people can make use of them. For the past twenty-five years, I’ve partnered with the Center for Courage & Renewal to do exactly that. Together we’ve created vehicles for people to ride those ideas toward life-giving destinations—inner as well as outer destinations. Our programs have allowed many people in many walks of life to develop visions and take actions that make our world a better place.”

Parker J. Palmer

How your gift

changes lives

You help millions of people find clarity, integrity, and the courage to continue leading and serving.

You give students an inspiring teacher. You give patients a doctor who truly cares. You nurture life-giving relationships. You create leaders who walk their talk.

Because of the exponential power of our growing circle of Courage & Renewal Facilitators, your gift ripples out to impact people across the globe.

You share the work of Parker J. Palmer, our Founder, and life-giving resources that meet people where they are and when they need them.